Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How do I learn best?

We did a test today to figure out what our learning profile was, and mine was 'N'. I am a gestalt learner, and so it's better for me when we have visuals. Although I am a gestalt learner, its easier for me to learn when my notes are organized. I think I learn when I'm able to do a hands-on activity, or when I'm able to get a visual of it, like a picture or movie. For projects, I definitely am able to do better on it by seeing an example of what the finished product would look like before I start the project. I learn very well when I have a quiet area with no distraction. I can't focus on what I'm supposed to be doing if I'm not in a quiet area. Also, its easier for me to learn when I'm sitting comfortably. I like that in the Shakespeare unit, while we're watching a performance of a scene, we're able to sit on the floor rather than a chair, because it's more comfortable. I'm able to learn well when I'm in a comfortable position. I need to move around also; not necessarily walk around the room or anything, just kick my feet or play with my hair. I would like my teachers to know that it's much easier for me to understand something if the concepts are presented visually or with a hands-on task, and that when I'm studying or concentrating, I like the area to be quiet. 

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