Monday, March 28, 2011

Apologize to the Aboriginals Australians.

Many Australians have looked back at their history and have been appalled at how the British treated the Aboriginal Australians. Recently, they have decided to ask the government to apologize to the Aboriginals for how they were treated in the past, but many Australians are still reluctant. I believe that it truly is important that they apologize, because the way the British treated the Aboriginals was cruel. From the time they arrived in Australia until very recently, in 1970, the British people have completely abused the Aboriginals. The ethnocentricity of the British led them to believe that they were better than the Aboriginals, which is just wrong. They thought that the Aboriginals had to be 'saved by themselves', and there for had to be abolished. In the movie 'Rabbit-Proof Fence', you are able to see how the children were brutally torn away from their parents, and literally shoved, while they were screaming and kicking, into the car. After being taken to Moore River Settlement, they see a girl being whipped just for going to see her Aboriginal boyfriend. Along Molly, Daisy, and Gracie's journey back home, they meet an Aboriginal maid, who will get raped if the children leave. Throughout the movie, you see the Aboriginal people being treated like animals, and I think that the Australian government should at least apologize for their past actions.


  1. I like the words you chose, they show your connection to your writing. But make sure your meaning can be seen past all the big words. :P I really like your descriptions though, the way you supported your ideas. :D

  2. I agree that the treatment of the Aboriginal people was extremely cruel. They never intended any harm from the beginning, the English just came and took over everything they owned. I like how you directly got to the point. Good paragraph:)
