Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Molly a Hero or Not?

Molly is a hero, because she is trying to help her sister, cousin, and herself get away from the Moore River Native Settlement for half-castes, which they were captured and brought to. In the settlements, the girls are trained to be more 'white' and British, because the white people believed that Aboriginals were a threat to themselves. You can tell that she is trying to do what's best for her and her sisters, because even though Gracie and Daisy don't want to leave, Molly insists that going back home is what is best, because the people at the settlement treat them badly. The night before Molly and her sister and cousin leave for home, she lies in bed thinking about how cruel these people are to her family. So the next day, Molly, Daisy, and Gracie leave for home, covering their tracks as they go. Molly is a good tracker, and knows how to cover her tracks well, which is why the tracker can't find them. Molly is a hero because she takes a huge responsibility over Daisy and Gracie, and really cares about the well being of them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Molly is a hero because she's taking a huge risk for herself and for her family. She saw what happened to the other girl that ran away, and yet she still makes her escape. She also shows a lot of determination, which I consider a trait of a hero. To her having freedom is more important and is worth taking the risk of being caught.
